Rush “Headlong Flight” from CLOCKWORK ANGELS
Rush has released a new single from their forthcoming CD Clockwork Angels, “Headlong Flight”—so fans can start gathering more pieces of the wonderful steampunk adventure story told by the music in the album and in the Clockwork Angels novel I’m writing with Rush drummer and lyricist Neil Peart.
Listen to “Headlong Flight” in their music video with lyrics.
You might get some hints of a few scenes in the novel.
Rush has previously released two other tracks from Clockwork Angels—“Caravan” and “BU2B” (which form the first section of the novel). Neil and I have been through four complete drafts of the novel and the manuscript is nearly finished—we’re very pleased with it. The CD will be released on June 12. Preorder a copy here.
The novel is due out on Sept 1. Preorder a copy here.
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