Superstars Kobo Scholarship and Class MP3s
If you’re interested in attending this year’s Superstars Writing Seminar in Colorado Springs, don’t forget that time is running out to sign up for the Kobo scholarship. Kobo Writing Life, one of the staunch supporters and sponsors of Superstars, has offered a generous opportunity for YOU to attend the next seminar in Colorado Springs, CO, February 6–8, 2014. The Kobo Writing Life scholarship will provide one lucky winner with a free tuition for Superstars, currently a $799 value. To sign up, fill out the entry form by following the link below. Deadline is December 1.
Also, note that early-bird prices for Superstars go up on December 1. So don’t wait too much longer.
If you can’t come to the seminar in person, or if you just want to brush up on the material, the full set of MP3 audios of all sessions from the 2013 Superstars are available, more than 14 hours of nuts-and-bolts instruction from Kevin J. Anderson, David Farland, Tracy Hickman, Eric Flint, Rebecca Moesta, Jim Minz (Baen Books), Mark Leslie LeFebvre (Kobo) and bestselling romance author Joan Johnston. ORDER THE FULL SET HERE.
- The secret to making your manuscript stand apart from the rest and command the attention of agents, editors, and publishers.
- How to multiply your writing productivity and potentially your income.
- How successful insiders pitch the “big proposal” to editors, agents, and movie producers.
- The potential for success, how to avoid pitfalls, and what publishing changes are on the horizon. Is the fast-paced landscape of electronic publishing really the key to the future?
- The little known “behind the scenes” preparations that successful authors make for the release of a major novel that underachieving authors never even think about.
- Dirty little insider secrets of the writing business — simply knowing them will allow you to foresee and sidestep disasters.
- Five techniques for exploiting an intellectual property in Hollywood and elsewhere.
- The right way to introduce yourself to editors, agents, and movie producersand how to get yourself in front of them.
- The truth about the TV image of a successful author. Here’s how success can be achieved, but don’t buy into some pipe dream.
- What to do on a day when you just can’t write. Overcome mental roadblocks that stand between you and success.
- Writing tricks that have turned struggling new writers like J.K. Rowling into sensations.
- Why investing in your writing education is essential to achieving your dreams. Why it’s more effective to learn from real, in-the-trenches authors who have proven highly successful, than to study with college professors.
- Why 98% of wanna-be authors fail simply because they never take the next step.
- How you can find the motivation to work toward your writing goal consistently, every day, until you get there.
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