At WordFire Press we've released my own backlist as well as the works by many authors I admire. I can't tell you how pleased and excited I am to announce that we're releasing the works of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Allen Drury, whose classic political novel ADVISE AND CONSENT is one of the best-selling novels of all time. Drury was one of the premiere 20th Century authors of political fiction, and his works have been unavailable for many years, due to rights complications after his death in 1998. That problem is now solved. For the “opening salvo” of Drury works, WordFire...
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I've kept quiet on my blog for a while—just to keep my head above water. I'll try to catch up after surviving one of the most intense deadline months of my career. Yes, there was the usual madness of the holiday season, with numerous relatives visiting, family time, the WordFire New Years Party (for those who had nothing else to do), but then January hit with full force. First, I had to do the final manuscript polish for Dan Shamble, Zombie PI #4, SLIMY UNDERBELLY. I had all the comments from the test readers, and needed to do one more...
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So much stuff! So many great speakers and panelists—it was almost impossible to cram everything into only three intensive days for the 2014 Superstars Writing Seminar. Here is our class schedule, a mix of lectures and panels, and all vital nuts-and-bolts information for any writer who wants to kick a career into high gear. Still a few slots left if you want to sign up. Prices increase on January 15! Superstars Writing Seminar. THURSDAY (Feb 6) 8:00 Intro/opening 8:30 The Popcorn Theory of Success (Kevin J. Anderson) 9:30 It’s Business—How Publishing Economics Works (Eric Flint) 10:30 Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual...
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Jeff Brazell, one of our alumni from the first Superstars (Pasadena) is the CEO of a global market research company, The Modelers, that has done studies on just about everything in entertainment, from gaming to movies, from books to devices. His company commissioned an extensive study on books, ebooks, and reading, and he will be presenting the results of the study—for the first time in public—at the 2014 Superstars Writing Seminar. The research will give insights on: • The customer journey/path to purchase: Where do readers find their next read? How do they form their consideration sets? How important are...
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