After Frank Herbert published his brilliant first novel THE DRAGON IN THE SEA in 1956, he spent years writing manuscript after manuscript, but was unable to find a publisher. Until finally in 1963 he wrote a ground-breaking work about a desert planet, which changed the face of science fiction forever. His earlier works—four novels and numerous short stories—were completed and edited to his satisfaction and submitted to various publishing houses. WordFire Press is pleased to release the third of these never-published Frank Herbert novels, the Cold War thriller, A GAME OF AUTHORS. In pursuit of a scoop, American journalist Hal...
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For many months I've been gasping for breath and telling you about my "deadline death march," of working on (and delivering) one book after another. Well, the payoff of that is plenty of reading material for my fans coming out in rapid succession. Here's what I've got coming up for the next year (note that some of the covers are not final yet): NOVEMBER "Naughty and Nice"—Kevin J. Anderson. A new standalone Dan Shamble, Zombie PI holiday story, which we'll release for 99¢ in all eBook formats. A FANTASTIC HOLIDAY SEASON—edited by Kevin J. Anderson, trade paperback anthology of fantasy,...
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Readers of this blog will know that I spend a lot of time out hiking in the mountains, being inspired by nature as I dictate new chapters set on fantastic worlds. You've seen a lot of my spectacular photos posted here. For four years now, my brother-in-law and hiking companion T. Duren Jones (a.k.a. Tim) and I have produced a calendar of our best photographs of the wilderness, along with "tales from the trails" of our adventures out in the mountains. We print these calendars for family, friends, and colleagues. This year, we'll also make these special calendars available to...
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Continuing the (one week old) tradition—here is a teaser from another newly reissued novel, BLINDFOLD, my first big SF epic, a standalone science fiction novel just published in trade paperback and all eBook formats by WordFire Press. Atlas is a struggling colony on an untamable world, a fragile society held together by the Truthsayers. Parentless, trained from birth as the sole users of Veritas, a telepathy virus that lets them read the souls of the guilty. Truthsayers are Justice—infallible, beyond appeal. But sometimes they are wrong. Falsely accused of murder, Troy Boren trusts the young Truthsayer Kalliana…until, impossibly, she convicts...
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