In the early 1990s when I was launching my career as a novelist, I began work on an Apple //e, then graduated to a Mac. For my first four novels, I had computer text files (ASCII) of my manuscripts...but I was distressed that my publishers could not accept them. They didn't have the facility. Instead, my first four novels were *rekeyed by hand* from the printed manuscripts (which introduced a whole host of new typos, no matter how clean MY manuscript was in the first place). Later, in 1993, my assistant editor from Bantam came out to stay with us...
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Rebecca and I just came home from our weekend as author guests at the Comicpalooza show in Houston. We had an excellent table and looked forward to meeting a lot of fans. We arrived Thursday evening, then met up with local friend and fan Aryn Scheuermann who delivered the six boxes of books we had shipped to her house, which we would be selling during the show. We met inside the George R Brown Convention Center, found our table location, then started unpacking (finding our printed tablecloths at the very bottom of the very last box, of course). Working together,...
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Frank Herbert published his first novel in 1956, the highly acclaimed futuristic thriller, The Dragon in the Sea. Despite the success of Dragon, though, Frank Herbert spent the next several years writing novel after novel, unable to get them published. Then he wrote Dune, a novel that was also considered unpublishable...and eventually became the best-selling science fiction novel of all time. We have several complete, finished novel manuscripts that Frank Herbert submitted to publishers but was unable to sell them. WordFire Press just released the second of these novels, ANGEL'S FALL, written in 1957—a gripping thriller set in the South...
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Frank Herbert published his first novel in 1956, the highly acclaimed futuristic thriller, The Dragon in the Sea. Despite the success of Dragon, though, Frank Herbert spent the next several years writing novel after novel, unable to get them published. Then he wrote Dune, a novel that was also considered unpublishable...and eventually became the best-selling science fiction novel of all time. We have several complete, finished novel manuscripts that Frank Herbert submitted to publishers but was unable to sell them. WordFire Press just released the second of these novels, ANGEL'S FALL, written in 1957—a gripping thriller set in the South...
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